Bohler Ti60T-FD E81-NI-1 Cored Wire 1% Nickel 1.2mm x 16kg

Product code: 34066082

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BÖHLER Ti 60 T-FD is an all-positional rutile cored wire with excellent weldability. It is characterized by a smooth spray-arc droplet transfer in all welding positions, with very low spatter losses. Slag is easily removed. Welds have a deep penetration and a nice appearance with smooth wetting onto plate edges. If desired, a single current/voltage setting can be applied for all welding positions. Its fast freezing slag enables deposition rates in positional welding up to three times as high as obtainable with any other manual arc welding process. Root runs are welded economically on ceramic weld metal support. The seamless, copper-coated wire design adds sufficient stiffness and glide to overcome friction in liners, welding guns and contact tips.
The copper-coating enhances current transfer between contact tip and wire resulting in a stable arc. Controlled wire cast and helix largely avoids “dog tailing”, promoting straight, well positioned welds. The seamless design offers the best possible protection

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    • Productive positional welding
    • Low defect rate
    • Good fatigue resistance
    • Less post weld cleaning
    • Increased arc time
    • Excellent current transfer
    • Resistance to moisture absorption
    • Low risk of HAC
    • Excellent mechanical properties

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